Clear the Debris and Allow your Light to Shine
Everyday you live your life conscious and many things unconsciously; the choice can be yours if you want to live it more consciously. Today, it was brought to my attention from an astrology/intuitive reading that I needed to step up to the plate and tell people what I really do and stop dancing around the issue. It’s funny that the right person will appear in your life when you need them. I have a fairly new client who just loves my work and she says to me, “I don’t know how to explain to people what you do.” I just smiled and said, “My work is experiential, it’s hard to describe to people what I do.” Most want to call me an Energy Healer- well what does that mean to most of the world who has no idea what that means. My colleagues and mentors of the Asian modalities that I practice, would prefer to call me an Asian Bodywork Therapist or an Asian Healing Arts Practitioner. The truth is that my work is evolving and blending of several medicines – Asian medicine ( plant spirits, healing arts, and Chinese bodywork) and Shamanism (energy medicine, hypnotherapy, past life, spirit releasement, multidimensional, and so much more). Take that and combine it with metaphysics and you have Tomasa’s healing. So the western astrologer, who has received my work describes it this way – “You help people clear their energy fields from the everyday stuff that they take on, the past, the present, ancestors so that they attract whatever they want to create in their lives – love, health, prosperity, and so much more. Well, I couldn’t have said it a better way! When you keep your energy cleared, you have a better chance of attracting what it is that you want in your life. Yes, my work helps many on the physical level as well, since much of the debris that we carry gets manifested in our bodies. Believe me, I’ve had my own share of it…that’s why I continue to keep my energy field clear so I can be a clear channel for my clients and myself.
Now, I have to put my actual two cents in it because I truly believe that we all have this inner light within us. Sometimes it dims because of all the debris that we collect and carry. When you are carrying all of this baggage around, you get bogged down in life and what people see or feel is the baggage- the debris, not the light. Ask yourself, are you allowing your light to shine brightly? Are you truly being the gift you were put on this earth to be or are you allowing all of your debris, baggage, whatever you want to call it, to block you from being the true light being you are meant to be here in this lifetime on this earth? How are you being a true expression of Spirit? …a true representative of Spirit? How do you express yourself in your work, your life, in your relationships? Is it of a Divine Nature?
OK my last two cents -since I am a metaphysician. There is this thing called the Universal Law….since I have this engineering background I can say that it’s much like a function machine….what you put in, you get out. It really grates on me when people like to call thoughts or words positive or negative. The truth is that Universal Law doesn’t care if your thoughts are positive or negative – it just is. Remember the function is: what you put in, is what you get out. There’s no judgement. Sometimes we might put something in that function machine that only allows us to push our debris down and not allow our inner light to shine. I want to point this out because I see this happen frequently – “let’s pretend that we don’t see the shadow that holds us back”, or “the shadow that keeps us stuck in our feelings”, or “how the shadow keeps recurring because we haven’t brought it to the surface to deal with it or up to the conscious level for clearing”. You can see where your consciousness is by what you EXPERIENCE, HAVE or are SURROUNDED in your LIFE. What do you want to have in your life and what do you need to clear so you can allow the truth of your being, BEAM with LIGHT and LOVE?
Thank you for your inspiring blog, Tomasa. I love what you wrote about clearing our inner debris to be a clear channel for ourselves and our clients. I am shining my light!
Hey Rachel! Your light shines very brightly….keep doing what you are doing beautiful angel you are!
Wow – how powerful is that!: “You help people clear their energy fields from the everyday stuff that they take on, the past, the present, ancestors so that they attract whatever they want to create in their lives – love, health, prosperity, and so much more.”
Candace Davenport ~ Little Books with a Big Message
Yes, Candace…it’s amazing what happens when you clear your own personal electromagnetic energy field. My clients see lots of shift happen for them. Sometimes they aren’t even consciously aware of what has happened to them until I point out that they are no longer stuck in a rut, but they are experiencing more freedom, prosperity, harmony. I think that this is one of the reasons why I love, love, love my work. I love seeing my clients come back into balance and harmony!