Blending the Divine Feminine & Masculine Energies with The Yin and the Yang
It’s true opposites attract! They actually fit together like a puzzle. That’s exactly the case with the Yin/Yang symbol. Yin represents that female quiet subtle energy and Yang represents that masculine, in your face active energy. We all have both of these energies embodied within us. These energies exist in relationships so much that it can relate to the electronics in our life as the positive charged electron and the negative charged electron interact to create electricity! We all know what electricity does for us; it creates some of the things that we take for granted such as light. There are times in our lives where we need to find that balance, which can happen naturally. The subtle energies merge to create that balance. We don’t always have to be trying to make it happen but it can fall into place with EASE and grace. When we are actively trying to seek that perfection sometimes we amiss the true solution that could provide us the beauty that we seek within ourselves or in a relationship – that balance of the Divine Feminine Energy along with the Divine Masculine Energy.
As I was just on the phone with my Shaman friend just the other day, talking indirectly about the galactic shifts and how they are affecting us emotionally, mentally and physically. How can we sit in that ease and grace and allow ourselves to feel (The Divine Feminine Energy) but at the same time recognize (The Divine Masculine Energy) that we need to do our work or get some energetic work done on us. The activity of both of them, makes us a much more balanced individual allowing our inner lights to shine just like the electricity brings us light. It opens doors to opportunities of growth and expansion and allows us to vibrate on a level that we attract what we want in our lives. How are you taking care of yourself with EASE and GRACE? How are you allowing your daily activity to be guided by your wisdom, the Universal wisdom that you have access to? Is it allowing your light to shine? Or are you spinning your wheels? Consciously bring to the surface that which can create EASE and GRACE in your life so that you may feel it in your body, rest your monkey mind, and allow your Spirit to guide you.
I have shifted my business focus to be more in the flow with my inner wisdom and guidance. It feels so wonderful and easy. Great article!
Thank you Monique! Isn’t it wonderful to experience EASE when you shift to answers from your inner wisdom and guidance?