As Wo(men), We Embody the Pioneer Spirit
I continue to talk about the Wood Element as the Spring Season wraps up here in the San Francisco Bay Area. As I mentioned in previous blog posts, the archetypes associated with the Wood Element are Pioneer, Warrior, and Visionary. While teaching my class on Saturday, my client made a comment about how we as women have had to be the pioneer in most male dominated fields. I paused and thought about this revelation. I began to see evidence of how woman have had to break the glass ceiling in many ways. Does this mean that we have had to pull out all stops of the Wood Element? Indeed, it does. If you look at it, we had to be the front-runners to pave the way for our younglings (as Oprah would call them )– Yes this is the Pioneer Spirit. In order to be that Pioneer, we have to see it first – hence the Visionary and then we stand tall in what we believe in that Warrior Goddess Energy.
The major milestone in history that comes to my mind is The Women’s Suffrage Movement. Did the women who were the leaders in that history milestone embody the archetypes of the Wood element? You bet they did!
They had to have the vision – sometimes our vision means that we need Spirit to help us move mountains to make it happen! This was something outside of the Box, so therefore they had to pave the way for us women today to have the right to VOTE. They had to be warriors to stand up for what they believe in! …and YES it takes a bit of YANG energy to make this all happen….but I also want to point out that the Visionary part is not so YANG – it’s more of a YIN Energy. So next time you have a goal or a Vision remember that the YIN Energy is needed with the Vision. There’s not too much effort in creating the Vision. As a matter of fact, I would say that the Vision part should really access all senses – Hence I ask the questions?
What would it LOOK like?
What would it FEEL like?
What would it SOUND like?
What would it TASTE like?
What would it SMELL like?
You see this is how we create for ourselves and then the effortless of the YANG energy follows.
What does this have to do with Self-Care? Well, when you have a goal in mind this is how you access the WOOD element to help you with your goal – VISUALIZE- BE the PIONEER to dare dream what you Want and STAND tall like the WARRIOR to weather all of the objections that might come with your GOAL. Essentially, Self-Care goals can be effortless when you utilize your Wood Element.
Self-Care is taking care of the self on so many levels. We have SELF-CARE so that we can remove our blocks so our life ROCKS. Yes, I stole that from my friend, Jenn August.
Tomasa Macapinlac, Dipl. Of ABT
The Self-Care Queen
Thank you Tomasa! I loved learning more about the wood element! Pioneering is an awesome way of describing how we break into new areas of awareness!
You are welcome Ruby…yes, we are pioneers opening up to new levels of awareness. 😉