Divine Passion
As I start out 2013, I decided to draw one of my Goddess Oracle Cards from my favorite deck by Doreen Virtue, PhD. If you know me well, you would understand the card that I drew…YES, it was Pele! Pele is the archetype that I own in so many ways. She is about Divine Passion. On the card itself it states just that, and its caption is “Be honest with yourself: What is your heart’s true desire?”
As I embark on 2013, I am changing the ways I apply me to my business, in so many ways. I am choosing to apply my energy work in a different light. You see, almost three years ago, I got to visualize what my queendom would look like. It was a world where everyone lived in harmony and balance.
Well, recently, I am looking at what self-care means on a deeper level.
I shared last week how a deeper story came out of me. I could choose to share about nutrition, exercise and activities that help you take care of yourself. The truth is everybody is doing that, and besides, it’s just a given that you practice healthy habits when you live your life on purpose. I want to take others so much deeper than just the physical world. My question to you is, How can you live in this physical world in harmony and balance? Are you doing all the things that are your heart’s desire? Are you living your dream? Are you being the star energy you are here to be? Are you playing small, or are you playing BIG? Stretch your edges and begin to live like there is no tomorrow. Think big. Yes, that’s where I’m at today!
In 2012, I said I wanted to reach the world globally in helping everyone be heart centered. Okay, what does it mean to be heart centered? It’s interesting that my shaman girlfriends have pointed out two days in a row that the heart chakra is green and money is green. Do you suppose there is a correlation that if you do work of your heart’s true desire, then you will prosper? Now this is what I’m talking about.
There was a book title I used to have on my bookshelf about two decades ago, Do What You Love, The Money Will Follow by Marsha Sinetar. When you are doing what you love, your energy is up, you attract all you want in your life, your life works and you live in harmony and balance. Could this be the ultimate self-care? We spend the most of our waking hours at work, so why not do something that you love? If you love it, imagine how that feels energetically. For me, it feels like I’m totally in love with LIFE. I love life, I love the people who are in my life, I am in complete awe with life. With everyone you greet, you see their light whether it is obvious or not. And with this mindset, you always have more than enough to cover your needs and desires, and you share like a philanthropist.
Now that is the ultimate self-care. When you are doing all that you desire and it’s coming from your heart, then the healthy eating habits, the wholesome activities, the clearing of obstacles that get in the way of you living your true heart’s desire happen naturally and second nature. Believe me, I live it consciously as I am forever expanding!
Beautifully said Tomasa. Thank you for sharing your passion and purpose for 2013.
Ruby, you are welcome and thanks for commenting directly on my page and for supporting me on this mission.
Thank you for sharing and speaking your truth on this and I so resonate with everything you are saying!! Love the reframe around self care:)
Umoh Luna, Yes, I had been struggling to stand out with Self-Care for the last year and half and recently it dawned on me after attending Christina Morassi’s event and understanding that Self-Care to me, means something deeper than just taking care of our physical bodies, but let’s look at it on a soul level. I’m interested in hearing what you think of the tagline – Presence, Passion and Prosperity!